Emma Drago is a 23 year old inspiring storyboard artist, animator, and illustrator. She attended The University of Kansas in the School of Architecture and Design as an Illustration and Animation major.
From a young age she has always enjoyed cartoons, and animated shows and movies, and started to doodle what she saw on the big screen. Around her freshman year of high school she learned that animating programs could be bought by anyone and not just used by professionals in a large studio. Thus, she decided she wanted to try to take up the art of animation herself, practicing her skills all throughout high school.
During the summer of her senior year of high school she decided to try taking up a bigger project than just making small animated gifs, or test animation, so with the help of some of her friends in 2019 she started up a web toon known as The Marvelous Adventures of Danny DeComp (TMAODDC). TMAODDC is a fully animated webtoon written, directed, and animated by Emma, and is still in production to this day. This project taught her a lot about managing a team, setting a schedule, and of course her art and animation skills as each episode grows in quality as it progresses.
She currently is working to build her skills as a storyboard artist and animator, and hopes to help you on future creative projects.